VPS vs cloud VPS – which is better

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, and now its services are gaining popularity, at this rate they may become even more required than dedicated servers. And this is because the resources of these servers are quite enough to support and process even large websites with a large number of visits per month. Also, VPS-hosting can reduce any risks associated with security, resale, and reboots resources.  In this article, we will take apart such phenomena as a regular and a cloud WPS server and decide which one is better.

What is traditional VPS hosting?

Traditional web hosting is a physical machine that the host divides into several virtual instances, and each of them functions as a dedicated server separate from the other.

Hosting service providers provide the customer with the required amount of system resources, and will only support that particular user.

With this approach, customers are fully guaranteed control of each process and freedom of customization. Users have full control over the UPU platform, you can change its parameters if your online project requires it.

Classic VPSs offer a steady rate for their use, and if you want or need to, you can order paid additional services. This is very convenient because understanding your costs allows you to calculate your budget for the month.

What is cloud VPS hosting?

Technology is tirelessly advancing day by day to the next level, so there has been some kind of change in some digital spheres. These changes have touched the cloud technology as well.

The principle of cloud technology is that they use a vast network of different servers connected, which consume the same resources. You can use more resources if you add more machines to the cluster.

If we talk about cloud VPS-hosting, its main difference from the traditional VPS is in the settings of the server, because using the cloud services you do not use the disk space and other resources of your physical computer.

Traditional VPS vs. Cloud VPS

If you have a dilemma and you are hesitating between choosing a traditional and cloud VPS, you need to consider all the details, because even the smallest of them can affect your choice.

Of course, it is difficult to compare the two services, because they offer a different amount of resources. For example, a cloud-based VPS is good for developing projects because it allows you to add CPU and RAM on the fly.

Pay your attention to scalability. It helps when removing or adding resources to a server, and traditional VPSs have problems with this as vendors deliver fixed plans, but they are just as effective. Cloud-based VPSs have proven to be more flexible in this regard, adding or removing an additional resource on this server is very easy.

Security plays a role for every vendor, regardless of the type of VPS. And if you take into account the fact that attacks on VPS servers have recently become more frequent, it is definitely worth paying due attention.

In this case, the traditional VPS has more advantages because it has a single entry point. And although cloud VPS claims to have a high level of security, hackers still have a better chance to break into this type of VPS.